Did you know that about Cranberries?

  • Cranberries are one of only three native North American fruits – the other two are blueberries and Concord grapes.
  • Wisconsin is the largest producer of cranberries in the United States.
  • Studies have shown that cranberry contains unique compounds that inhibit bacteria from sticking: or adhering to the bladder wall, which prevents bacterial growth required for infection
  • Cranberries contain a number of plant chemicals that may play a role in preventing certain cancers and cardiovascular diseases
  • Selected compounds found in cranberry may have the potential to alter bacterial populations under the gum line, thus possibly resulting in alternative control of periodontal disease
  • For centuries, the native people of North America used the cranberry for both food and medicine

Learn more about cranberries at Cranberry Square Farm Market and through various resources below.

  • The Wisconsin State Cranberry Growers Association (WSCGA) is a member-based organization designed to cultivate Wisconsin’s cranberry industry and support its growers through useful educational resources, responsible environmental stewardship, sound governmental policies and effective public communications.
  • The Cranberry Institute is a not-for-profit organization founded in 1951 to further the success of cranberry growers and the industry in the Americas through health, agricultural and environmental stewardship research as well as cranberry promotion and education. The Cranberry Institute is funded voluntarily by supporting members that handle, process and sell cranberries.